Does the Rihanna/Chris Brown Ordeal Lend a View of Relationship Trends?

by: Kimberly H

Does the drama-filled relationship of celebrities like Rihanna and Chris Brown show a trend in contemporary relationships?

The drama-filled relationship of Rihanna and Chris Brown is just the most current of many Hollywood relationships gone wrong. After this weekend, the skeletons came out of the closet when Brown beat up his girlfriend, Rihanna, and police were called. New reports today state that this was not the first time Rihanna had been slapped around by Brown. So what does this say about people today and their outlook on relationships?

In today's world, celebrity relationships are splashed all over the front pages of the media, and it becomes a big deal especially when abuse becomes part of a couple's headlines. But how many people who aren't celebrities are staying in relationships that are abusive, both physically and psychologically? Sadly, it is a growing concern in today's world, but one that is not addressed until it involves the "famous."

Perhaps one reason that abuse is kept behind closed doors and ignored is because of the implications of being weak, being a victim. But it takes courage to come out and speak up, and now Rihanna is under attack by some who say the attack was her fault. The idea that a victim of abuse could be at fault because they 'provoked' the abuse is ridiculous, but still accepted by some. Put blame where blame is due: it is NOT acceptable to be abused in any form, no matter what, or who, started it.

Why has it become so accepted a practice that abuse has become part of a "normal" relationship? It is sad that people and the media are not more supportive for the victim of abuse. Whether or not the rumors of STD's or being 'too clingy' of a girlfriend are true, it is shocking to read that some fans are condoning and even applauding Brown for assaulting Rihanna. This is an appalling eye opener to the views of some people in today's world. No wonder rapes are not reported, girls say they "fell down the stairs" when they show up with a black eye; they can not be sure that anyone would support them and take their side, let alone believe them.

As Valentine's Day grows near, I urge all those in relationships to evaluate their situation. Has he/she ever hit you? Taken advantage of you physically or sexually when you did not want it? Verbally or emotionally attacked you, putting you down and belittling you? Threatened you or your loved one with violence? If you answered yes to any of the above, I ask you to stand up for yourself and, although emotionally painful, walk away from the situation before it gets to the point where you have to be carried away on a gurney.

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